EPISODE 01From Sanuki to Mt. Hiei, Divine Experiences with the Kifudoson
Enchin’s Secular Family Tree (Enchin zokusho keizu)
Enchin’s Ordination Certificates (Enchin doen)
Rank Credentials (Iki)
Rank Credential for Dento Daihoshi (Dento daihoshi’i iki)
Rank Credential and Draft of Imperial Decree for the Rank of Hogen Monk (Hougen kajo-i iki narabini chokusho an)
Appointment Document for the Head of Shingon Buddhism Studies (Shingon gakuto’o buninjo)
EPISODE 02Enchin’s Journey to Tang China
Appointment Document for the Head of Shingon Buddhism Studies (Shingon gakuto’o buninjo)
Copies of Reports of Prayers (Kito kanzu no utsushi)
Copy of Prayer and Sutra Chanting Decree (Kito tenkyo chojo no utsushi)
Draft of Request for a Kugen Certificate from Taizhou (Daishu kugen o ko choan)
“Copies of Saicho’s Taizhou and Mingzhou Kugen Certifications (Saicho Daishu Meishu kugen no utsushi) Enchin’s Request for Kugen Certification from Taizhou (Enchin Daishu kugen ukejo)”
Yuezhou State Governor’s Office Passport (Esshu totokufu kasho)
Department of State Affairs Custom Pass Division Passport (Shoshosho shimon kasho)
EPISODE 03Results from Enchin’s Journey to Tang China:
Acquired Sutras and Founding of To-in
Record of Seeking the Dharma at a Kaiyuan Temple (Kaigen-ji guho mokuroku)
Catalog of Seeking the Dharma in Fuzhou, Wenzhou, and Taizhou (Fukushu Unshu Daishu guho mokuroku)
Catalog of Seeking the Dharma at Qinglong Temple (Seiryuji guho mokuroku)
Catalog of Seeking the Dharma at Guoqing Temple (Kokuseiji guho mokuroku)
Comprehensive Catalog of Seeking the Dharma at Guoqing and Other Temples (Kokuseiji hoka shoji guho somokuroku)
Commentary on the Three Maitreya Sutra (San mirokukyo so)
Commentary on Golden Light Sutra (Konkomyokyo monku)
Theories on the Pratityasamutpada (Enshoron)
Vairocanabhisambodhi Sutra (Dai birushana jobutsu kyo)
Meaning of the Flower Garland Sutra Based on an Earlier Commentary (Kegonkyo zuisoengisho)
Enchin’s Doubts (Enchin gimon)
Enchin’s Doubts (Enchin gimon)
Farewell Poems and Letters from the People of Tang (Tojin sobetsushi narabini sekitoku)
EPISODE 04Reconstruction of Miidera
Enchin’s Draft Petition for Kugen Certificate of Transmitting the Dharma (Enchin denpo o kou sojoan)
Department of State-Issued Kugen Certificate (Dajokan kugen o kyusu cho)
Draft of Official Imperial Order (Kansenjian)
Draft of Department of State Decree (Daijokancho an)
Draft Petition for Conferring the Position of Ajari to Henjo (Ju henjo ajari-i sojo-an narabini kancho-an)
Biography of Betto Washo Priest (Betto washo gyojo)
Draft of Enryaku-ji Temple Petition (Enryakuji sojo an)
Draft of Enryaku-ji Temple Decree (Enryakuji choan)
Documents Catalog (Monjo mokuroku)
Draft of Enchin’s Official Kugen Certifications and Documents Catalog (Enchin kugento monjo mokuroku an)
EPISODE 05Individuals Associated with Chisho Daishi Enchin
Rank Credential for Dento Daihoshi (Dento daihoshi’i iki)
Department of State-Issued Kugen Certificate (Dajokan kugen o kyusu cho)
Enchin’s Doubts (Enchin gimon)
Farewell Poems and Letters from the People of Tang (Tojin sobetsushi narabini sekitoku)
Lineage Chart of Dharma Transmission from Tang China to Japan (Daitokoku nihonkoku fuho kechimyaku zu ki)
Pure Precept Instructions (Sanju jokai ji)
Documents With Tokuen’s Seal (Tokuen injin no rui)
Seals of Receipts Conferred from Tokuen to Enchin (Tokuen fusho Enchin injin)
Record of Perceived Dreams (Kanmuki) Letter to Zhìhui Lun Sanzang (Jo Chierin Sanzo sho)
Brief Biography of Dengyo Daishi (Dengyo daishi ryakuden)
Record of the Monastic Institutions of Hieizan Temple in the Ninth Year of Konin (Konin kunen Hieizan Jisouin to no ki)
Keiyo Document (Keiyo jo)
Principle Teachings of Maitreya Ascension Sutra (Miroku joshokyo shuyo)
Annex: Catalogs of Documents, Written in Ink on Paper
EPISODE 06Chisho Daishi Enchin’s Final Years
Chuson Daishi
The faithfully sculpted statue of Chisho Daishi, which expresses his sublime spirit of this great teacher, is enshrined deep within To-in and is of great importance. As a secret Buddha, it is only unveiled on the anniversary of his passing, October 29th, every year.
The Five Abhisambodhi
The Five Abhisambodhi is a teaching on the visualization of the deities of the five divisions of the Vajradhatu, the oldest Vajradhatu mandala transmitted from India. Despite being a line drawing using black ink, the full-bodied figures of the deities fully express the characteristics of Esoteric Buddhist imagery from the flourishing Tang period