Seals of Receipts Conferred from Tokuen to Enchin (Tokuen fusho Enchin injin)

Ink on Paper / One Scroll of Two Sheets

  • original
  • transcription

The oldest existing original inshin evidentiary seal document

This document, dated May 15, 842, certifies that Enchin, while holding the position of Dento Hoshi, received the transmission of the three-part samaya from Tokuen in front of the Shakyamuni Buddha statue in the Tenborin Chinkoku Dojo training hall at Saito area of Mt. Hiei. It is the oldest existing original evidentiary seal document. Tokuen's signature is handwritten, and the document is stamped throughout with 76 red square seals bearing the name "Tokuen." The sequence of this transmission is the same as the "Evidentiary Seal Imparted from Kochi to Tokuen" included in the "Documents With Tokuen’s Seal" (dated to the 16th day of the twelfth intercalary month, 830). It traces from Subhakarasimha to Yilin 義林, Shunxiao 順曉, Saicho, Kochi, to Tokuen, before finally being passed to Enchin.

National Treasure
May 15, 842
29.8 × 164.0 cm