Comprehensive Catalog of Seeking the Dharma at Guoqing and Other Temples (Kokuseiji hoka shoji guho somokuroku)

Ink on Paper / One Scroll of Twenty-Two Sheets

  • original
  • transcription

A comprehensive catalog revealing the results of Enchin's journey to seek the Dharma in Tang China

This catalog, known as the Comprehensive Catalog of Seeking the Dharma, is a compilation of the achievements of Enchin's six-year journey in Tang China, prepared for submission to the Governor of Taizhou, Yan Xiumu 厳修睦, to obtain a kugen certificate. It includes a remarkable total of 441 items in 1,000 volumes and 16 types of ritual implements. Besides these, other secret esoteric Buddhist texts like the Five Abhisambodhi and the Images of the Garbhadhatu (both national treasures) were not listed in this catalog but were brought back separately, indicating that the actual number of items Enchin brought back was even greater. In April of 859, Enchin copied the same catalog and dedicated it to his greatest patron, the Daijo-daijin (Grand Minister) Fujiwara no Yoshifusa.

National Treasure
May 15, 858
29.0 × 968.0 cm