Documents Catalog (Monjo mokuroku)Written by Enchin

Ink on Paper / One Scroll of One Sheet

  • original
  • transcription

A catalog written by Enchin. The "Musoki" (dream record) mentioned at the beginning is believed to correspond to the still existing "Kanmuki" (record of perceived dreams) document. The catalog also lists various documents related to Enchin’s mission to seek the Dharma in Tang China. If the document at the end “Decree to Enryaku-ji by the Department of State” corresponds to the "Draft of Department of State Decree" issued to Enryaku-ji Temple in 871 when Enchin was Head of the Tendai Order, the catalog is presumed to have been compiled around when Enchin was 60 years old. Written in a light and graceful cursive script in just about 20 lines, it demonstrates Enchin's mastery of calligraphy, displaying his free and versatile style.

National Treasure
Heian Period
28.5 × 54.0 cm