Catalog of Seeking the Dharma at Qinglong Temple (Seiryuji guho mokuroku)Certificate added by Faquan at the end of the scroll
Ink on Paper / One Scroll of Five Sheets

- original
- transcription
A document providing evidence of esoteric Buddhist teachings imparted to Enchin in Chang'an
This catalog lists 115 volumes of esoteric Buddhist scriptures, mandalas, and ritual implements acquired by Enchin from his teacher, the high monk Faquan, at Qinglong Temple in Chang'an (Xi'an, Shaanxi Province). Qinglong Temple, established by Emperor Wen 文帝 of Sui in Xinchang Fang within the city of Chang'an, is known as a central monastery of Tang dynasty esoteric Buddhism, where Kukai (Kobo Daishi) received his final-stage kanjo ordination from the high monk Huiguo 恵果. Faquan, a monk in the esoteric Buddhist lineage of Subhakarasimha, Amoghavajra 不空, and Huiguo, transmitted teachings not only to Enchin but also to Ennin and Ensai. This catalog not only records the scriptures Enchin received from Faquan but also the process of transmission, serving as a valuable document showing that Tendai monk Enchin received the secrets of esoteric Buddhism in the same temple as Kukai, the founder of the Shingon school of Buddhism.
- Category
- National Treasure
- Era
- November 15, 855
- Measurements
- 25.5 × 243.0 cm
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