Principle Teachings of Maitreya Ascension Sutra (Miroku joshokyo shuyo)

Ink on Paper / One Scroll

  • original
  • transcription

Authored by Wonhyo 元暁 of Silla (617–686). This is a commentary that summarizes the key ideas of Maitreya based on the Maitreya Ascension Sutra. It is divided into ten sections, discussing the main ideas and objectives of the sutra, stating that of the three Maitreya sutras the Ascension Sutra is for those of medium capacity, while the Descent Sutra and Buddhahood Sutra are teachings for those of lower capacity. The end of the volume has a postscript: "Checked and finalized at the Joshin-in Temple administrative office on July 10, 878 by Enbin."

National Treasure
July 10, 878 Postscript indicating final inspection by Enbin
29.3 × 568.0 cm