Yuezhou State Governor’s Office Passport (Esshu totokufu kasho)

Ink on Paper / One Document

  • original
  • transcription

The only existing Tang Dynasty passport

In China under the Tang dynasty, a "passport" was a travel document (visa) issued by the government to foreigners. Two such documents used by Enchin to pass through checkpoints are preserved at Miidera Temple. Although some were excavated in places like Turfan in the 20th century, these two received by Enchin are the only surviving physical examples of passports issued by the Tang government, and have been handed down as artifacts. The first document was issued by Yuezhou State Governor's Office in March of 855, when Enchin was traveling from a Kaiyuan Temple in Yuezhou (Shaoxing) to Chang'an. The second document, issued in November of the same year when Enchin was returning from Chang'an to Mount Tiantai, was issued by the central government office, the Department of State Affairs.

National Treasure
March 19, 855
30.9 × 44.0 cm