Commentary on Golden Light Sutra (Konkomyokyo monku)Postscript by Enchin
Ink on Paper / Two Scrolls; [Middle Volume] One Scroll of 23 sheets; [Final Volume] One Scroll of 21 sheets
- [Volume 1] Middle Volume; Postscript by Enchin
- [Volume 2] Final Volume; Postscript by Enchin

- original
- transcription

- original
- transcription
Commentary on the Golden Light Sutra translated by Dharmaksema 曇無讖 of Northern Liang, given in a lecture by Tiantai Dashi Zhi-yi 天台大師智顗 and compiled by his disciple Zhang'an Guanding 章安潅頂 (561–632). It provides interpretations for the scripture throughout, demonstrating the Tiantai tradition's unique interpretations. This commentary, which provides an interpretation of the sutra’s title of Golden Light Sutra through the text of the Mysteries of the Golden Light Sutra, the Mysteries of Kannon, Explanations of Kannon, and Commentary on the Amitayurdhyana Sutra, is counted as one of the Five Minor Works of Tiantai (Tendai Goshobu).
- Category
- National Treasure
- Era
- August 13, 857
- Measurements
- [Volume 1] 28.5 × 1240.0 cm, [Volume 2] 27.0 × 1060.0 cm
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