Rank Credentials (Iki)

Ink on Paper / One Scroll of Four Documents

  • [Document 1] Rank Credential for Dento Daihoshi
  • [Document 2] Rank Credential for Dento Hoshi
  • [Document 3] Rank Credential for Dento Man'i
  • [Document 4] Rank Credential for Dento Jui
  • original
  • transcription
  • original
  • transcription
  • original
  • transcription
  • original
  • transcription

The oldest existing monastic rank credentials

Rank credentials (iki) were official documents issued to grant monastic ranks to monks. In the early Heian period (794–1185), there were five ranks in order of lowest to highest: Dento Nyui, Dento Jui, Dento Man’i, Dento Hoshi, and Dento Daihoshi. Four of Enchin’s rank credentials are preserved, ranging from Dento Jui to Dento Daihoshi. Dento Jui, corresponding to the sixth court rank, was issued by the Office of Monastic Affairs with signatures from high priests and below and stamped with the office's seal. The three documents for Dento Man'i, Dento Hoshi, and Dento Daihoshi are issued by imperial decree and stamped with a nai-in seal (the Emperor's seal). These are known as the oldest existing examples of rank credentials and are recognized as some of the finest calligraphy representing that period.

National Treasure
[Document 1] June 16, 850; [Document 2] December 26, 846; [Document 3] July 5, 843; [Document 4] July 22, 837
[Document 1] 28.6 × 52.0 cm, [Document 2] 29.0 × 55.0 cm, [Document 3] 29.5 × 57.0 cm, [Document 4] 29.6 × 58.0 cm