Pure Precept Instructions (Sanju jokai ji)
Ink on Paper / One Scroll of Eight Documents
- [Document 1] Instructions from Gishin
- [Document 2] Instructions from Tokuen
- [Document 3] Instructions from Kojo
- [Document 4] Instructions from Ennin
- [Document 5] Instructions from Ennin
- [Document 6] Instructions from Mugyo
- [Document 7] Instructions from Hogyo
- [Document 8] Instructions from An'e

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The Pure Precepts distill the essence of the Mahayana Bodhisattva Precepts into three categories: refraining from evil, living in enlightenment, and living for the benefit of all beings. In the instruction texts by figures like Ennin and An'e, they are described as the "origin of all Buddhas" and as the "raft across the sea of suffering, the provisions for the path of enlightenment." An instruction text is a teaching document given by the teacher to the initiate during the ordination ceremony.
- Category
- National Treasure
- Era
- Heian period (9th century)
- Measurements
- [Document 1] 27.0 × 74.3 cm; [Document 2] 27.0 × 31.5 cm; [Document 3] 29.0 × 34.8 cm; [Document 4] 28.0 × 23.0 cm; [Document 5] 29.5 × 37.0 cm; [Document 6] 29.3 × 21.0 cm; [Document 7] 27.0 × 17.0 cm; [Document 8] 28.0 × 19.0 cm
Related Documents and Texts
Rank Credential for Dento Daihoshi (Dento daihoshi’i iki)
Department of State-Issued Kugen Certificate (Dajokan kugen o kyusu cho)
Enchin’s Doubts (Enchin gimon)
Farewell Poems and Letters from the People of Tang (Tojin sobetsushi narabini sekitoku)
Lineage Chart of Dharma Transmission from Tang China to Japan (Daitokoku nihonkoku fuho kechimyaku zu ki)
Documents With Tokuen’s Seal (Tokuen injin no rui)
Seals of Receipts Conferred from Tokuen to Enchin (Tokuen fusho Enchin injin)
Record of Perceived Dreams (Kanmuki) Letter to Zhìhui Lun Sanzang (Jo Chierin Sanzo sho)
Brief Biography of Dengyo Daishi (Dengyo daishi ryakuden)
Record of the Monastic Institutions of Hieizan Temple in the Ninth Year of Konin (Konin kunen Hieizan Jisouin to no ki)
Keiyo Document (Keiyo jo)
Principle Teachings of Maitreya Ascension Sutra (Miroku joshokyo shuyo)
Annex: Catalogs of Documents, Written in Ink on Paper