Draft Petition for Conferring the Position of Ajari to Henjo (Ju henjo ajari-i sojo-an narabini kancho-an)

Ink on Paper / One Scroll of Three Documents

  • [Document 1] Petition for Conferring the Position of Ajari to Henjo
  • [Document 2] Petition for Conferring the Position of Ajari to Henjo
  • [Document 3] Department of State Edict
  • original
  • transcription
  • original
  • transcription
  • original
  • transcription

This historical document demonstrates the actual procedures carried out, as established by the Department of State decree dated September 9, 871, for conferring the position of ajari of Enryaku-ji Temple to Henjo, a Tendai monk and one of the Rokkasen (six poetry immortals). The three documents are compiled into one volume, with the first and second documents being petitions from 873 recommending Henjo as a suitable candidate for ajari of the Shingon Sect and requesting the Imperial Court's approval. The first document includes signatures of Enchin, the head of Enryaku-ji Temple, the three monastic leaders of the temple, and other monks. The third document is a draft of the Department of State decree issued in response to Enchin's petition. At the time, Henjo was 58 years old and had been ordained for 18 years.

National Treasure
[Document 1] January 15, 873; [Document 2] February 14, 873; [Document 3] April 23, 873
30.0 × 146.0 cm