The Toin is a subsection of and the holiest part of Miidera Temple, containing the mausoleum of Chisho Daishi, the temple’s founder.
The name of the Toin is derived from the ritual implements and tomes of scriptures brought back by Chisho Daishi from Tang China, pronounced “To” in Japanese. The Emperor Seiwa, on learning that Chisho Daishi needed a place to store these artifacts, granted him the Jijuden central pavilion from the Imperial Palace. In addition to serving as a storehouse, and mausoleum, the Toin is also a center for training in denpokanjo, a ritual used to officially ordain master monks.
The current Kanjodo Hall was rebuilt in the Keicho era (1596-1615) as a place of worship for the Daishido Hall and as a center for training in denpokanjo, which teaches the secrets of esoteric Buddhism. It has irimoya-zukuri hip-and-gable roofs, cypress bark roofing, and cusped karahafu gable eaves on the central part of the façade. As a whole, the building showcases an elegant residential style that first appeared in the Heian period (794-1185) and developed over time.

“Chisho Daishi”

Chisho Daishi

Born in Zentsuji City, Kagawa Prefecture (present-day) in 814. His father was from the Wake clan, and his mother was a niece of Kukai. At the age of 15, he went to Mt. Hiei and became a disciple of Gishin (778–833). At the age of 40, he went to Tang China in 853, learned Tendai studies and esoteric Buddhism in Mt. Tendai and Chang’an. Later, he disseminated what he had studied after returning to Japan. He stored the scriptures brought back from Tang China in the Toin Hall and took office as the first chief administrator. He then established a foundation to promote Miidera Temple to the Jimon branch main temple later by appointing Miidera Temple as a Tendai sect branch temple. He was appointed as the fifth Tendai head priest in 868 and dedicated himself to the prosperity of Buddhism for an impressive 23 years. He passed away on October 29, 891.


It is called gobyo in Japanese, an honorific language for byo, which means a place to enshrine ancestors’ souls.

“Emperor Seiwa”

Emperor Seiwa (850–880) was the emperor who reigned in the early Heian period. The fourth prince of Emperor Montoku. His mother was Fujiwara no Akirakeiko (Fujiwara no Meishi). His name was Korehito, and he was also called Mizunoo-tei. His maternal grandfather acted as a sessho (a regent who acts on behalf of either a child Emperor or an empress regnant) due to the emperor’s young age. He led a devoted Buddhist life and shaved his head in 879. His posthumous Buddhist name was Soshin (Reigned 858–876)


An important religious ritual which is conducted when a disciple mastered esoteric Buddhist teachings and succeeds the position of Ajari (Acharya), a senior teacher. It derives from the coronations of ancient Indian kings and princes, in which water was poured on their heads.

“place of worship”

It is placed in front of the main sanctuary (honden) of a shrine or temple and is the hall of worship.



A gable (kirizuma-zukuri) is right above the core and a hipped roof are attached to the four sides on the lower part of the gable. (hip-and-gable roof construction)

“cypress bark roofing”

cypress bark roofing

A roof made by the method where cypress bark is fixed by bamboo nails.

“cusped karahafu gable eaves”

cusped karahafu gable eaves

A karahafu gable that is attached to the edge of the eaves as a decoration. It is normally placed on the front entrance of the building.

“Heian period”

The Heian period lasted for approximately 400 years between the transfer of the capital by Emperor Kanmu in 794 and the foundation of the Kamakura Shogunate in 1185, and the central administration was in Heian-kyo (present-day Kyoto). Generally, the period is divided into three sections: the Early, Mid- and Late Heian periods. In other words, the period of reviving the political system based on Ritsuryo codes, the regency period and the Insei period (governed by a retired emperor), respectively. (The end of the Late Heian period was ruled by the Taira clan.) Also called the period of Heian imperial court.

Momoyama Period